Saturday, November 29, 2008

Oh, The Places He Went: A Story About Dr. Seuss by Maryann N. Weidt (Informational)

Oh, The Places He Went: A Story About Dr. Seuss is a wonderfully written informational book about the life of one of the most famous children’s book authors. Although I had familiar with a lot of Dr. Seuss’ works, I have never researched his history and his inspiration which led to his creations. Dr. Seuss’ real name is actually Theodor Seuss Geisel, which he continuously changed and shortened throughout his career. Some of Dr. Seuss’ most memorable creations were influenced by his environment. Green Eggs and Ham was created because a friend bet him fifty dollars that he couldn’t write a book using only fifty words. The Cat and the Hat came about because Dr. Seuss believed he could make an excellent beginner book for readers using 223 words. The title ended up being The Cat in the Hat because it was the first two words on the list that rhymed. Another one of Dr. Seuss’ great books was The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, a character that he believed to be similar to his personality. This book was very informational and enjoyable to read. I think it should go along with any unit that studies Dr. Seuss and his wonderful books.

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