Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko (Historical Fiction)

Al Capone Does My Shirts is an amazing novel about a young boy named Moose, his sister Natalie, and their new home on Alcatraz Island. The novel follows Moose during his transition to living on an island full of convicts and his relationship with his special needs sister. Moose quickly makes friends and enemies on the island and at his school, and he makes both in the Warden’s daughter Piper. Piper tries to convince Moose to start a money-making scam by having the other students bring their dirty laundry to school so they can get washed by the famous convicts on Alcatraz Island. The first part of the book is primarily about the antics that Moose gets into while trying to fit in with all of the new people. After reading half way through this book it takes on a more serious tone and begins focusing on Moose’s sister Natalie and her disabilities. The relationships between the two siblings, and Moose and his mother are very dynamic and are serious issues that many children might face. I was expecting this novel to be silly and light hearted, and I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be full of serious issues and a true depiction of the time period. This is definitely a book that I would read aloud to students, great story!!!

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