Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid (Realistic Fiction)

Stink is a second grader with an older sister named Judy, and is convinced that he is the shortest person in the whole world. Stink, whose real names is James, finds himself going on all kinds of adventures, from losing the classroom newt named Newton, to making a wig in honor of his idol James Madison. Judy and Stink are your typical brother and sister combo, always finding ways to make the other one annoyed. Every morning Stink has Judy measure him, hoping that maybe gre an inch or two over night. One day to Stink’s dismay, he discovers that he actually shrank by three quarters of an inch! From then one Stink is determined to do whatever it takes to grow taller, including eating all of his peas and drinking every drop of his milk. Eventually Stink begins to realize that growing will take time, and that you decide how tall you feel. This is an adorable story full of funny adventures. I would really enjoy reading this along with 1st or 2nd grade students. I would also like to read some of the books from the Judy Moody series. Great book, very creative and entertaining!

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