Friday, November 21, 2008

Dinosaur Tracks by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld (Informational)

Dinosaur tracks are hidden under layers of sand and mud and have been covered up for millions of years, fossilized underground. The book Dinosaur Tracks introduces readers to the history of dinosaurs and the different kinds of dinosaurs. The simple language of the book and the complex information makes it a very informational book that young students could easily read and learn a lot of information from. The illustrations show the different types of dinosaurs. This book would be a great way to introduce dinosaurs to young students and offer informational resources to older students. Dinosaur Tracks asks the readers questions through the story and encourages them to think about solving the dinosaur mysteries like ichnologists would. This book connects dinosaur tracks to several parts of the United States which also makes it a very informational geographical book. Overall this was an excellent informational book and I would love to have it in my classroom library!

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